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Daoud Research Group

Pakdel E, Daoud WA, Sun L & Wang X (2014), Visible and UV functionality of TiO2 ternary nanocomposites on cotton, Applied Surface Science, 321, 447-456.










Afzal S, Daoud WA & Langford SJ (2014), Superhydrophobic and photocatalytic self-cleaning cotton, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2, 18005-18011.











Nikiforidis G & Daoud WA (2014), Effect of mixed acid media on the positive side of the hybrid zinc-cerium redox flow

battery, Electrochimica Acta, 141, 255-262.










Pakdel E, Daoud WA, Sun L & Wang X (2014), Reprint of: Photostability of wool fabrics coated with pure and modified

TiO2 colloids, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 447, 191-201.










Afzal S, Daoud WA & Langford SJ (2014), Exploring the use of dye-sensitisation by visible-light as new approach to self-cleaning textiles, Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 61, 757-762.













Bian J, Huang C, Wang L, Hung T, Daoud WA & Zhang R (2014), Carbon dot loading and TiO2 nanorod length dependence of photoelectrochemical properties in carbon dot/TiO2 nanorod array nanocomposites, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6, 4883-4890.













Wong A, Daoud WA, Liang H & Szeto YS (2014), The effect of aging and precursor concentration on room-temperature synthesis of nanocrystalline anatase TiO2, Materials Letters, 117, 82-85.




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